Friday, May 14, 2021

Honeysuckle Syrup

 Yes, we really use all this syrup

Today we noticed the honey suckle bushes in full bloom so it is time to store a bit more of spring .. yes we use all this stuff we have already gone through 3 of my jelly and 1 of my syrups in the weeks since making it.

Collected and cleaned 
Smell so amazing 
Boil 1 cup of flowers to 1 cup water ... when the water changes color strain our the flowers 
 add one cup of sugar and simmer on low till the spoon comes out and the drips are slow 
I always can small when doing spring jelly 1 to store, 1 to use and 1 to share.
I can in a water bath for my syrups and it works well to water bath just put in boiling water for 15 mins and then let cool on the counter when you hear the pop you are sealed up and can store for up to 6 months in the fridge and a year in the root cellar.

 We have been watching closely all of the wonderful landscape edibles we have. The girls say this one tastes like the bees honey combs.

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