Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Mulberries for days


We have been busy 32 oz of berries picked every day for a week now we have 8 16 oz jars of jelly 32 oz of dried berries and some fruit roll-ups we are making more in the morning. Our berry trees are going crazy this year. 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Mantis Hatchlings

 After 6 very long weeks, our Carolina Mantis cases have hatched. We tried these this year as a natural bug killer they eat all the harmful bugs that go after my garden year after year. It was a little long for the girls as every day for the last 3 weeks I have gotten have those things hatched yet. 

Today was the day we came downstairs for breakfast and I saw hundreds of them covering the top of the hatching box. We let them out and the girls carried them to different parts of the garden. I think we might do a different bug every year for our land. Now that our bug hatcher is free this afternoon we will go looking for Monarch again !!! We hatched one last year and it was a great learning tool.

Clover Jelly

 Eating the bloom jelly is the way we make it through till the berries are ready it is so easy even the girls have gotten it down  

2 cups flower petals 
2 to 3 cups water 
2 cups sugar 
2 tbs lemon juice 
2 tbs pectin 

make the tea brew for 45 mins ( flower and water ) clear the flowers , mix in the rest let cook for 10 mins water bath jar them for 10 mins take them out, and let them zing for 24 hours

this only makes 1 to use, 1 to share, 1 to store in our jelly making we could up the water content and sugar to make bigger batches but this works for us ( this one little E added 3 cups water)