Saturday, April 24, 2021

If you build it they will come

   Transplant Wild Life ... 

We have made our land wildlife-friendly well .... we have some transplant animals we can not claim but we love having a new addition to the homestead welcome  Daisy and Daniel ... DUCK * they are making a nest and we could have a duck family in the pond very soon. 

Orchard Planted

Apple, Pear, Plum, Peach, Apricot, Cherry, Walnut, Almond, Paw Paw, and Crab Apple

  Since we brought our property we have planted fruit-bearing trees on our way to be self-sufficient in our fruit production. The first year we planted Three discount apple trees, Two have lived. We found on the land two crab apple trees we harvest from one and leave the other for the animals. Last year we planted two apples, two pears, two plum, a peach, and a walnut. One of those plums died but the rest are doing amazing and lived through almost being covered to the top in snow. This year we wanted to go back to the native plants and planted two native plums, two Paw Paw, an apricot, a cherry, and an almond tree. We will be moving around some maples into our maple grove but other than that I think we are done with our orchard lots of help from the Little O's in planting and watering in all the trees into our orchards.


Saturday, April 10, 2021

Pallets and recycling

Use what you have 

Today I thought I would share the wonderful things Daddy O has built with things he has built using what this property has left us in ways of treasures. If he can he will use what he has and has taught our girls to check the garage first but in a way the garage is overflowing and at some point we will need a barn. I think that use what you have has saved us tons of cost in keeping the chickens, the garden, and the land.
                                              Covered bed made with a fence post and windows
                                                                Chicken tractor old ikea shelf
                                                                Pallet Bridge
                                                               Onion Planter
                                                            Gate made with pallet 
                                                            Dock made with pallets and kegs
                                   Chicken coop ... old boards , shutters , windows , tin all saved
                                                    shipping crate planter boxes